Why website optimization, or Search engine optimization (SEO) is important?
Search engine optimization (SEO), or website optimization, is the process of making changes to your website so that it will appear higher in search engine results pages (SERPS). Based on a number of factors, search engines evaluate your website's relevance and readability before assigning it a position or ranking on the search engine results page.
Keyword analysis
Keyword research is a task that involves identifying popular words and phrases / long tail keywords people enter into search engines to search specific information, service or product.
Website analysis
Analysis of your website Performance, SEO, Quality, content relevancy, technical issues, Security and several factors to rank a website.
Optimize pages / content for keywords
Categorize your keywords by segmenting your web pages into groups based on topic and page content. Optimizing existing pages with on-page SEO, and creating new content to target new keywords.
Optimize images
Optimizing images for the web can reduce your total page load size by up to 80%. Using exact required size, save for web option, right format can reduce the size of image drastically that leads to fast page loading
Enable compression
Website gzip compression reduce the file size of a web file like HTML, PHP, CSS and Javascript to about 30% or less of its original size which improves the performance of your website and decreases its loading time.
Minify resources
Other than Gzip compression one can minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Minification minimizes code & markup, reducing load times and bandwidth usage.
Analytics integration
We have one of the most advanced Google Analytics integrations available which tracks visitors' behaviour, devices they are using, reports website traffic and providing many useful information. That information we further use to optimize our website.
Social media integration
Social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkdIn etc. is the prime key to marketing as it provides a way to stay connected with your target audience and work as a website traffice source.
Fix 404 error
You faced 404 - Page Not Found error at any given time. 404 error means page is missing and that create bad impression.
Device friendly website
The device friendly approach is exactly as it sounds: designing for the smallest screen and working your way up. Now more than 60% people visit your website through the mobile and targeting mobile friendly design is must.
Build backlinks
Promote your content / website on social media, write testimonials, answer on forums, etc. to create backlinks for your website. Even earning backlinks is an essential component of off-site SEO.
We give further tips to clients like
- Importance of SSL certificate
- How fast server can help?
- Number of pages & content relevancy, number of words per page etc.
- How to build more and more back links?
- How to handle social media?